Trauma-Informed Yoga Classes

This class aims to integrate evidence-based trauma-informed yoga practices to support clients in their therapeutic journey.

The yoga practice will focus on gentle movements, breathwork, and introspection exercises tailored to meet the needs of the students integrating the following key elements:

Experiencing the Present: Cultivate body awareness and compassionately observe your inner experiences.

Making Choices: Learn to identify available options and choose your responses based on your needs and preferences.

Taking Effective Action: Explore actions that support emotional regulation and enhance your sense of agency.

Creating Rhythms: Re-establish a sense of duration and a feeling that things end.


  • Provide a safe space for individuals to explore movement, breath, and mindfulness practices as tools for navigating trauma
  • Foster a sense of empowerment and agency by offering choice and autonomy within the practice
  • Cultivate awareness of sensations and emotions in the body to support regulation


The trauma-informed yoga class consists of a small group class, with a maximum of 6 participants. Classes are held weekly and last for 45 minutes, with 15 minutes allowed at the end for any yoga-related questions.



12:30pm – 1:30pm


All levels


Drop In / Individual $30
5-Class Pass $140
10-Class Pass $250

Attend this class

Booking are organised directly with the instructor.
Please get in touch with Isabelle at to enquire and/or book

Isabelle Sleurink